

My style and approach to RPGs is heavily informed by the Story/Indie games movement and such games as “Fiasco”, “In A Wicked Age”, and “Vast & Starlit”. It’s a highly cooperative, “Yes, and…”, improv theater approach.

Please see my “Homepage” link for more info on my Storium Narrator Style.

[FYI: I joined Storium in 2014 but the games I was playing and running at that time all failed (it was Beta, so that’s not surprising). I didn’t come back to Storium until 2020 and when I did I ‘retired’ two characters and ‘completed’ two games I was narrating that hadn’t had a post since 2014.]

Time zone (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Joined Mar 2, 2014
Membership Status



Last online 1 year ago
Word Count 80,957
Forum Posts 114
Hosting... A Plague in the North
Handed Off...


The Basics

  • Completed Your Profile
  • Narrator Tutorial
  • Player Tutorial
  • Created a Game
  • Created a Character
  • Made a Move
  • Played a Card
  • Completed a Challenge
  • Completed a Scene
  • Posted in Forums
  • Sent an Invitation
  • Wrote 1,000 Words
  • Completed a Game

  • Created 20 Characters
  • Accepted a Character
  • Made the Cut
  • Improvisor
Hosting & Narrating

  • Hosted 5 Games
  • Accepted Host Role
  • Narrated 5 Games

  • Writing Machine (80,000 Words)
  • Completed 5 Games
  • Completed 60 Scenes
  • Completed 1 Chapter
  • Completed 30 Acts
  • Made 200 Moves
  • Completed 40 Challenges
  • First Strong Outcome
  • First Weak Outcome
  • Tilted the Scales
  • Sharing Is Caring
  • Just What You Needed
  • Completed 1 Subplot
  • Completed 1 Goal
  • 1 Card Refresh
  • Speedster (5 Moves in a Day)
  • Sprinter

  • 25 Game Followers
  • 100 Forum Posts
  • Socializer (50 Players)
  • First Open Lobby Post
  • Sporting
  • Storium Member