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Bi-Weekly Writing Prompts

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Welcome to the Bi-Weekly Writing Challenge!

This is a rotating narrator game where there’s a new writing prompt every two weeks, given by a new narrator. Come practice your writing skills or expand upon existing characters and plot!

This game is going to be very free form. There will not be a plot to the game as a whole.

Genre can range from horror to fantasy to romance!

Created by Sofos_Nera

Hosted by: thewillowstorm

Rotating narration

Started 04/17/22. Scenes played: 66

Target number of characters: 99
Current number of characters: 22
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Sofos_Nera, BlazeTheMonkey, CaptainParty, Drucellia, HazarShadow, Jaspericorn, Kyoko, Latte1, Nicklien, TrueParanormal, thewillowstorm, awkward_robot, Epp3s, StormSaphire, TheDoctor455, SachiGrl, elll, netopir, Azure_Blue, KarenK, Steinkopf, Rubiot

License: Community License

The Brilliance of Madness

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The story unfolds in the late 18th century, primarily within the eerie confines of Dr. Alaric Faustus’ sprawling estate on the outskirts of Geneva, Switzerland. The estate, once a grand family home, has been transformed into a labyrinthine laboratory filled with bizarre and dangerous contraptions, the product of Faustus’ twisted genius.

In “The Brilliance of Madness,” you will step into the shoes of individuals who have come under the employ of the brilliant yet unhinged Dr. Alaric Faustus. At first, the work seems odd but manageable, providing a steady income and the promise of groundbreaking scientific discoveries. However, as the experiments grow more macabre and dangerous, you will be drawn into a web of moral dilemmas and life-threatening situations. Ultimately, you must decide whether to support Faustus in his final, most perilous venture or to stop him before his madness consumes you all.

Character Creation Guidelines:

Name: Choose a fitting name for the late 18th century.
Role: Decide on your character’s role within Faustus’ team (e.g., Apprentice, Medic, Engineer, Alchemist, Grave Robber, Herbalist, Assistant).
Background: Provide a brief backstory that explains how your character came to work for Faustus.
Skills: Highlight specific skills that your character brings to the team and how they might be used in the context of the story.
Motivations: Clarify why your character accepted the job with Faustus. Are they seeking wealth, knowledge, redemption, or something else?
Personality Traits: Outline key personality traits that will guide your character’s actions and decisions throughout the story.

Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)

Started 07/25/24. Scenes played: 0

Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 1
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Depechefloyd

License: Community License

Dying Planets

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Act One

The year is 6658 and the sun is beginning to go supernova. The good news is the governments of the world have come up with a way to save the species. The bad news? Only a few hundred members can board the ships.

Will you make it? Will you be chosen to leave earth to survive?

Act Two

You and a few hundred members of the human race have left earth destined for Planet AK-9870, where past astronauts have successfully prepped domes that will hold everyone from earth. But first you have to get there!

Will you survive the 5 year journey? Or will depression overtake you?

Act Three

You’ve successfully made the trip to AK-9870. The domes hold strict rules in order to maintain the sheer number of people. You cannot leave the domes without a protective suit because of the toxic air.

Will you be able to make yourself at home? Or will you give in to the end?

Hosted and narrated by: Sofi (Sofos_Nera)

Started 05/25/24. Scenes played: 2

Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 6
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: thewillowstorm, Depechefloyd, BatterMusicWriter, GhostTea, ForayInto

License: Community License

Stand Up posters

Stand-Up: Open Mic!

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The Comedy Crucible

Being a stand-up comedian is tough. The endless grind of open mics, the rejection, the hecklers - it can wear you down. But when you finally get that big break, that chance to perform on a real stage in front of a real audience, it makes all the struggle worth it.

In this game, you and your fellow players take on the roles of aspiring stand-up comics who have been given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - a spot in a prestigious comedy festival. The only catch? It’s a winner-take-all competition, and only one of you will walk away with the grand prize: a guaranteed spot opening for a major touring comedian.

As you navigate the high-stakes world of comedy, you’ll need to strive to be funny and find ways to make your act stand out and win over the tough crowd. Will you form alliances, or will the competitive pressure tear your friendships apart? Will you compromise your comedic integrity in pursuit of success, or will you stay true to yourself no matter the cost?

The choices you make, both on and off the stage, will determine whether you come out on top or crash and burn. Are you ready to step into the Comedy Crucible?

Hosted and narrated by: Marko (Depechefloyd)

Started 05/25/24. Scenes played: 2

Target number of characters: 6
Current number of characters: 4
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: TheTurdEye, GhostTea, Depechefloyd

License: Community License w/ Creative Commons

image source:
Three tired and battered adventurers stand on a hill at dusk, looking out towards the distant, twinkling lights of a great city — their destination.

Decade of Darkness

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This fantasy story is about a King who called upon warriors and adventurers to join him in a crusade against the Shadow Lord in Akkaria. Ten years later, the heroes return to Veltaria only to find that the land has changed drastically in their absence. The political situation is unstable, with various factions vying for power, and the heroes must navigate this complex landscape while trying to find their place. At its core, the story explores themes of power, as well as the struggle for control in the various kingdoms and regions of Veltaria. With a diverse cast of characters and a richly detailed world, this story promises adventure, intrigue, and challenging moral questions.

The rightful heir to the throne is Ulvander’s son, Roberne Lack-Hand, but many people — possibly including some or all of the players — have other ideas and plans about who should wield power (either openly or behind the scenes). Whatever happens, the succession is not likely to be peaceful, easy, or free of bloodshed.

Hosted and narrated by: Marko (Depechefloyd)

Started 05/10/24. Scenes played: 3

Target number of characters: 6
Current number of characters: 3
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Depechefloyd, Renee_, Darkhumormetal

License: Community License w/ Creative Commons

image source: Meagan Trott
Survivor Island

Survivor Island

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Crashed on a mysterious island beneath a sky of unfamiliar stars, a group of survivors explore to survive. Stranded and alone, they must triumph against threats both natural and mysterious in pursuit of escape… if escape is even possible. This world describes the mysterious island through intriguing characters and settings, but the truth behind it all is yours to write!

Art curated by @sparkletwist

Hosted and narrated by: Upward Bound (UpwardBound)

Started 07/18/24. Scenes played: 3

Target number of characters: 6
Current number of characters: 7
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: UpwardBound, Lesly, CristinaLynnAcevedo, Melani530, esteban911er, Max911, jonnnnnyyyyy

License: Community License

image source: Joan Campderrós-i-Canas
In a futuristic nighttime cityscape, beams of red light trace paths across both buildings and the sky.

NeuroRevolt: Minds at War

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Information is gold. Information about what N Corp is planning is platinum. You each want it, for your own reasons. But getting it comes with risk. When someone hands you the chance to acquire it, your best option may be to work together.

This is a cyberpunk adventure set in a dystopian megacity where technology and corruption reigns. In this story-driven game, players navigate the treacherous streets and virtual landscapes of the city, encountering a diverse cast of characters and facing dangerous challenges along the way.

You are thrust into a world of intrigue, deception, and action, where survival depends on your wits, skills, and the alliances you forge. From the streets to the corporate towers, every corner of the city holds secrets to uncover and adversaries to overcome.

Whether it’s infiltrating a high-security corporate office, engaging in rooftop parkour, or hacking into the cyberspace mainframe, every action has consequences that shape the course of the narrative.

-Interact with a cast of memorable NPCs, each with their own motivations, secrets, and agendas.
-Engage in a variety of activities, including combat, stealth, hacking, and social manipulation, as you navigate through the city’s underworld.

This story allows you to immerse yourself in a world where the line between humanity and technology blurs. Are you ready to venture into the shadows and uncover the truth behind the neon facade?

Hosted and narrated by: Marko (Depechefloyd)

Started 05/24/24. Scenes played: 3

Target number of characters: 6
Current number of characters: 4
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Depechefloyd, Darkhumormetal, docwho2100, auggo

License: Community License w/ Creative Commons

image source: Enmanuel Martinez

Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1721161036)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1722370635)}}

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In this city, carved up by vampires, werewolves, and wizards, everyone gets dirty. Whatever you want, you’ve got to go through someone to get it. That means choosing friends and that means making enemies. Just hope you get out of this life without becoming a ghost — because no one wants to linger in this city that long. This modern fantasy deck depicts a gritty cast of characters in a hard-luck city in need of help.

Hosted and narrated by: Maria De Los Santos (lupitadls)

Started 07/16/24. Scenes played: 1

Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 4
Submissions pending: 1

Players so far: lupitadls, Diana_, alooo, jonnnnnyyyyy

License: Community License

image source: TonTon CoPT on Flickr

Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1721074620)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1722284219)}}

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Crashed on a mysterious island beneath a sky of unfamiliar stars, a group of survivors explore to survive. Stranded and alone, they must triumph against threats both natural and mysterious in pursuit of escape… if escape is even possible. This world describes the mysterious island through intriguing characters and settings, but the truth behind it all is yours to write!

Art curated by @sparkletwist

Hosted and narrated by: Maria De Los Santos (lupitadls)

Started 07/15/24. Scenes played: 2

Target number of characters: 8
Current number of characters: 6
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: lupitadls, lesliee, fuhbiggs, RamRam, UpwardBound, 2Andrea

License: Community License

image source: Joan Campderrós-i-Canas

Conflict & Struggle of The Spectral Squad!

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It began as a day like any other. This quickly changed when the air went silver and clouds of nanites fell upon Emerald City. People caught in the clouds were changed. Not everyone was affected, but those who were quickly found themselves transformed into powerful and often unstable individuals reeling from the massive change the Silver Storm wrought.

The Storm was the product of Tellax the Redeemer, an alien machine seeking to create an army of superhumans to destroy a coming threat. Tellax never considered or cared about how those transformed would have their lives changed. Regular people became heroes and monsters that day, and the world was never the same. Worse, some did not change obviously and immediately — they are living time bombs waiting to explode when their altered genetics combine with the wrong situation.

Now Tellax lies inert in Emerald City harbor, a shining reminder of how the world has changed. Weeks after the Silver Storm has passed, one of its victims is about to erupt at the Cannery, a local landmark and major shopping center.

Hosted and narrated by: Marko (Depechefloyd)

Started 02/15/24. Scenes played: 9

Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 6
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Depechefloyd, ErinyesManiae, docwho2100, Taroctopus, TheG

License: Host License