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New Kowloon Outcasts

Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741253244)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1742462844)}}

The year is 2483.

Fifty kilometers off the coast of a country which has outlawed both, magic users and rogue cyborgs alike survive in the lawless prison that is the city-state of New Kowloon, a contorted maze of twisted skyscrapers that stretch to the sky. The last place their kind can be accepted in East Asia. They are not alone on this floating blight in the South China Sea, though. International crime has found a bastion in New Kowloon, as few laws seem to apply here. They have applied a new motto:

Sex. Drugs. Money. That is what powers this island.

But while the criminals thrive, what of the original inhabitants of this island? What is their place? Well, most of them have placed their allegiance with the main factions now ruling New Kowloon, and crime is now their way of life. From the opulent upper levels to the slums at the bottom, many have made this choice.

Some, who opposed the criminal ways the city turned to, once protested, but none of them lived to tell the tale.

However, a few, though willing to accept crime as their new purpose, aren’t exactly willing to answer to any international overlords. As such, they have been branded with the term ‘Outcasts’.


Hosted and narrated by: Rina (Azure_Blue)

Started 12/21/24. Scenes played: 3

Target number of characters: 2
Current number of characters: 2
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Azure_Blue

License: Community License

No, I'M gonna kick YOUR %@#, bro!!!

Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740753452)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741963050)}}

Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740753450)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741963050)}}

For some of the best fighters in the city it took months, even years of intense training to prepare for one night-

The Xtreme Dragonfist All-style Tournament.

In the end, the winner of the last tournament, this year’s favored contender, was defeated and a new champion was crowned.

But where that story ends is where ours begins…

The new champion had a fiance, one they refused to marry until they could prove to themself that they could protect them no matter what…
Their beloved had protested the new champion’s entry into the Xtreme Dragonfist Tournament as it was well-known the previous winner was aligned with a vicious street gang-

The War Dawgz.

Their fiance feared the new champ might get hurt…

Instead, as the champion pushed through the crowd after a bloody final victory to find the one they loved so much-

They were nowhere to be found.

Channeling the energy of late 80’s/early 90’s fighting games, N.I.G.K.Y.A.B should be a fast-paced but low-stress “story” that will hopefully focus on fun and roleplay rather than great writing. This will be a highly collaborative Storium and I hope we can hit that sweet spot of “Not too silly/not overly serious”, along with PLENTY of cheesy goodness that the genre is known for!

This game has the default 400 word limit on moves.


Hosted and narrated by: Nunya Beezwax (Grandclam)

Started 03/02/25. Scenes played: 1

Target number of characters: 3
Current number of characters: 2
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Azure_Blue, Chekhov

License: Community License

image source: Namco, Urban Reign

Eat at Ursa's Midnight Snack

Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740680206)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741889806)}}

40 cycles ago Ursa’s Midnight Snack was the hippest place for interstellar travelers to stop and sample homespun cuisine from all over the galaxy. Patrons would veer light-years off course to visit the Zed-13 fuel port just for a whiff of Ursa’s daily specials. Unfortunately, culinary trends have changed in the last 40 cycles, but Ursa’s hasn’t. Now most sentients just fill their ships with dark matter and fly off without even using Ursa’s restroom. Ursa’s son Mgour took over when she retired 5 cycles ago, but has struggled to modernize the greasy spoon with the overwhelming debt. Mgour’s oldest child Mnour just graduated from business school and has an idea for an alternate income source…bounty hunting.

Hosted and narrated by: pizzahead

Started 02/26/25. Scenes played: 0

Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 3
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: pizzahead, Stacie, Ghostea

License: Community License

Steampunk's will

Steampunk's will

Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740668178)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741877775)}}

Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740668175)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741877775)}}

When a man named the Controller captures a bunch of random citizens of the post dystopia steampunk city “HeimDunk” those citizens must do what the Controller says to do. If they don’t, they will die.

Hosted and narrated by: MK Smith (mikeey)

Started 12/25/24. Scenes played: 0

Target number of characters: 6
Current number of characters: 4
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: mikeey, Depechefloyd, Waldenf, Bexja

License: Community License

image source: Dave Bonta on Flickr


Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740621691)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741831289)}}

five samurais with neural implants.
one play company who went broke after discovering the secret to time travel..
one unreliable, omnipresent narrator who types in lowercase.
This is the world of Places!!
Running at the same time as Jesus Christ (if that works out, which it probably won’t…), it’s a story about a play company who time travels into the future to recruit cybersamurais for their terrible plays, all told by a bad narrator.

Hosted and narrated by: Logan Pengelly (nicnamez)

Started 02/06/25. Scenes played: 0

Target number of characters: 4
Current number of characters: 0
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: None yet — be the first!

License: Community License

image source: wilhelmja on Flickr
Zombie apocalypse on abandoned Island

Zombie apocalypse on abandoned Island

Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740502974)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741712573)}}

Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740502973)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741712573)}}

Crashed on a mysterious island beneath a sky of unfamiliar stars, a group of survivors explore to survive. Stranded and alone, they must triumph against threats both natural and mysterious in pursuit of escape… if escape is even possible. This world describes the mysterious island through intriguing characters and settings, but the truth behind it all is yours to write!

Art curated by @sparkletwist

Hosted and narrated by: Ezra Tagliaferri (Ezra1)

Started 02/25/25. Scenes played: 0

Target number of characters: 4
Current number of characters: 0
Submissions pending: 1

Players so far: None yet — be the first!

License: Community License

image source: Joan Campderrós-i-Canas
Superheroes-Legion of Superheroes

The Momentum: Ascent from Darkness

Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740405987)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741615584)}}

Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740405984)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741615584)}}

This game/story has MANY scenes and villains, so consider it like episodes on a TV show. You can join any time.

Premise: General consensus names Dr. Destroyer — the powered armor-wearing evil genius responsible for the Battle of Detroit and one of the few villains to ever succeed at taking over the world, albeit only for three months — as the most powerful supervillain on Earth. You’re inclined to agree. You’ve spent years battling him and stopping his schemes, often winning only by a hair’s breadth — and even then, you’re not always sure Destroyer didn’t let you win as part of some longer-term scheme. But still you go on fighting your war against him, because the alternative — to ignore him and let him take over the world again — is unthinkable.

Hosted and narrated by: Marko (Depechefloyd)

Started 02/20/24. Scenes played: 15

Target number of characters: 8
Current number of characters: 11
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Depechefloyd, ErinyesManiae, EmmaRivers, Dareka, Darkhumormetal, ohno, How2Add

License: Host License

image source:

The Waterwound: World Wanderers

Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740196493)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741406093)}}

Fort Wesport. Atleast, that’s what those from the continent are calling it. A brown and grey heap of timber, earth, and stone to break up the white of snow. Your adventure starts here. Your title, as soon as you sign on the dotted line, World Wanderer.

In joining a guild that ties the knot of discovery in scholors, adventurers, and opportunists alike, you are the spearhead of mainland expedition of this new world. Bring to light the mysertery of abandoned civilization past The Frozen Fringe, Influence the delicate balance of first encounter diplomacy with The Palefolk, or forge your own path in this sandbox setting rife with political tensions, deadly exploration, and untapped opportunity.

Hosted and narrated by: Josh (BigBlueBooks)

Started 03/02/25. Scenes played: 1

Target number of characters: 4
Current number of characters: 5
Submissions pending: 0

Players so far: Sofos_Nera, Wesssield, thewillowstorm, sheltk, Waldenf

License: Community License