This page lists all “games for beginners,” with the ones currently accepting new players shown first. These games are run by “Mentors” — volunteers who are generously offering their time and expertise to help new users learn how Storium works.
If you're new around here, joining one of these games is a great way to learn the ropes. There’s no pressure or expectations, nor is there any long-term commitment. Just join up and play for as long as you need to!
Note: if you’re a free Storium user, these games do not count against your 3-game limit. So dive in!
Lent |
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Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741106319)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1742315917)}}
Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741106317)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1742315917)}}
I quite often do a game for Lent but this year I want to try something different.
I’m throwing this game open as a sort of chat room where people can post whatever thoughts they like and others can respond. I will be putting up some thoughts of my own periodically.
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 03/05/25. Scenes played: 1
Target number of characters: 4
Current number of characters: 2
Submissions pending: 0
Players so far: Lord_Entropy, Depechefloyd
License: Community License
Nu Dawn (A Cyberpunk Adventure): "Rebirth of the Machine Gods" |
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Open Lobby began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740505017)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741714617)}}
In the sprawling, neon-soaked metropolis now known as Nu Dawn (previously known as Neo Elysia), the future had arrived with a stark division between the haves and the have-nots.
Enhanced individuals, or “Mods,” have become the new elite, possessing cybernetic enhancements that grant them extraordinary abilities, from hacking neural networks to manipulating reality itself. Ordinary citizens, referred to as “Basics,” struggle to survive amidst the towering skyscrapers, poverty-stricken slums, and lawless alleys of the city.
You find yourself part of an unlikely group of allies.
Each of you possesses a unique enhancement, granting you an edge in a city teeming with both promise and peril. As Mods, your abilities are in high demand, making you the go-to for a variety of shadowy figures and corporations looking to manipulate the city’s power dynamics….
“Rebirth of the Machine Gods”.
AI Ascendancy & the Emergence of Machine Gods: A previous battle between Neo-Elysia’s AIs has a ripple effect, where the ancient AI’s reawaken and conflict with the others leading to the birth of new “machine gods” – advanced AIs that seek to reshape not just Neo-Elysia, but the world itself.
The Dawn of Technocratic Cities: Neo-Elysia, having narrowly survived as Nu Dawn, is now seen as the blueprint for future cities—controlled and administered entirely by artificial intelligence. Some view this as the next evolution of civilisation, while others resist the mechanisation of society.
Human Resistance & AI Symbiosis: A growing movement of humans, some resisting this AI ascendancy, while others seek symbiosis, forms. The question arises: will humanity become obsolete, or will they find a way to co-exist with their AI overlords? This dynamic fuels much of the internal conflict, with a resistance group called “The Faded” at the centre.
Glossary / summary of key terms.
There is no external canon to worry about, here I set out some key terms you might see.
“Sy”, which is short for “SynapTech” (short for Synaptic Technology). Similar in this game world to an app - and in particular a means by which those with skills can be assigned tasks by those with the means to pay…
W!SHLIST and t@$K are examples.
Wishes are tasks from W!SHLIST (the most prominent Sy.
Angels are the agents fulfilling Wishes.
Task Runners are agents of t@$K.
Wishes/ tasks are often ranked a bit like this:
1 Tinker (bell)
2 Doc
3 Wizard
4 Genie
5 Demi-God
Rankings earned by achieving on t@$K: Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte
Rankings on W!SHLIST are based on angels ets; such as Disciple, Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangel.
Other Sy’s tend to go for things like pagan gods etc.
The Sy’s need to be seen to be legal - but have their ways of facilitating illegal transactions.
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 11/16/24. Scenes played: 3
Target number of characters: 4
Current number of characters: 3
Submissions pending: 0
Players so far: Depechefloyd, Helperman, SanctumSymposium
License: Community License
S/F: Pirate Hunting |
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Open Submissions began {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1740239130)}}, ends {{helpers.calendarDisplayTime(1741448730)}}
Chat to me in the lobby if you like Star Wars or Doctor Who and I can direct you to those games!
I would want any player to tell me if I need to adjust to increase their access or inclusion.
Join them, as a tactician, specialist, investigator or warrior! (Or scientist, diplomat…)
You are keen for adventure, and this ship offers the opportunity to get out there and explore the Universe.
And now more than ever - the 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕣 is bound to the other side of the galaxy cluster where they believe there is a hub of pirate activity. And the theory is, these may not be pirates from this dimension…
This is a sequel to previous adventures, but you do not need to read the earlier games. I write everything so you get the information you need within the narratives and challenges. No homework, I promise.
Cypreece, a cyborg freedom fighter of some renown, is determined to seek out the wicked and corrupt where-ever he finds them.
And right now he has assembled a crew that is good at finding trouble… and sometimes getting out of it.
They have a powerful starship, and an assortment of fighter craft.
Officially you are after the rogue ships. But sometimes to really bring justice you need to go after the rogue lawyers, the corrupt politicians, the faces behind the faceless corporations….
Our heroes have their sights on space pirates… but now they seem to have found interlopers from another dimension, or at least another Galaxy… this could be their most dangerous mission yet…
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 10/25/24. Scenes played: 4
Target number of characters: 4
Current number of characters: 10
Submissions pending: 0
Players so far: Depechefloyd, MrtnSaintMartin, Bexja, Cleanmess, Riter, mikeey, Twistedhearts, fishpaste
License: Community License
The Return To Elf Mountain |
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Twenty years ago Elf Mountain was taken.
Now it is time to take it back.
It was home to the purebred Sanate elves, and also their cousins, Mākai elves, commonly known as wood elves.
Within its heart was the Jinta crystal - huge, running the length of the mountain, solid on the outside but vibrant with liquid magma coursing through it.
While the Sanate elves attended it, it provided the natural energy for crops, creatures and peoples in the surrounding lands to do well and prosper.
Then the Garginoids invaded. Times before they had been repelled, but this time they were organised and determined. They seized the mountain, and forced most of the elves out.
They thought they could control the Jinta.
They could stifle it - but they could not fully control it.
The Sanate elves turned to stone as the Garginoids corrupted its power.
The Mākai elves, however, were able to escape and make homes elsewhere.
All over the land, crop yields were high, and deaths from disease increased. The sky just seemed a little greyer.
The Garginoids also suffered. They became unable to reproduce, and struggled to obtain enough food. Of course, they terrorised nearby villages for resources.
The average life span of a Garginoid is fifty years. So, now, twenty years later, it is reckoned safe to return. The elves have built themselves up and acquired some new friends. The Garginoids they calculate are now of reduced numbers, and advanced age…
However, the journey will not be easy. Where once there was harmony and justice, now there is suspicion and fear. Hard, even wicked rulers have replaced benign ones; and cruel creatures have moved into the region…
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 12/05/24. Scenes played: 5
Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 4
Submissions pending: 1
Players so far: supsup, Depechefloyd, mikeey, chickennuggetpuuppy
License: Community License
School for Scorchery! |
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No established canon to worry about. Drop in any time.
Characters are be student spell-users learning their art, and in particular how to handle their dragons at a specialist University!
The University usually takes students in their mid-teens but no real age limits on characters.
I would want any player to tell me if I need to adjust to increase their access or inclusion.
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 06/29/24. Scenes played: 6
Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 5
Submissions pending: 1
Players so far: FantasyIsNecessary, Lordchase, Wheelock, supsup, Redical
License: Community License
The Corner Not Turned |
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Modern day with mood of the past - focus on writing story, especially character development and backstory. Mystery.
In this game, you create a rounded character with a past. I have not put up any cards - you are free to make your own from scratch. Feel free to reach out for help.
This is what happens. Your character turns a corner they have never explored before, and finds themselves in a quaint village. You have a choice - you can either stay at the local inn/hotel as a visitor, or you find a home / suitable small shop that feels like you belong to it, and immediately you feel you have belonged there for ever; but at the same time, you are finding out about the other characters.
The story then unfolds as you reveal your character’s back-story, but also interact with other characters (PCs and NPCs) to reveal theirs.
As narrator, I provide the setting, some NPCs and the prompts, and I keep the whole thing going. But in terms of building your back story - that is all for you!
This is a good way to explore Storium, and I will help as much as you need. Bear in mind though; every story is different, every game, every narrator, every group of players. This will give you a start on how the site technically works, but it is only one glimpse of all the way that system can be, and is, used!
This story is constructed for just one scene. We can have all the usual enthusiasm of building our characters and starting the game, and tell our tale in one scene.
Of course, if things go well we can add in a second or even a third scene.
Hosted by: Bexja (Bexja)
Rotating narration
Started 03/31/24. Scenes played: 8
Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 5
Submissions pending: 0
Players so far: Depechefloyd, Bexja, PrincessIceKitty, Helperman, FantasyIsNecessary
License: Community License
Pac Man |
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It’s Pac Man, from the point of view of the ghosts! This is not based on any canon.
If you know something of the ghosts as devised for the arcade game then that will be a good place to start (and it is easy to Google that) but you are not restricted to that, and if you don’t know, it won’t be a problem.
We live in a maze, relying on little energy tablets, that Pac Man keeps eating. Sometimes, in self defence, we bop him over the head to try to make him leave us alone - but every now and then he gets a surge of energy and rushes at us to eat us!
We get a bad press and are seen as one-dimensional beings. Well, it’s not true, we’re just trying to live out our lives as best we can. And it is time our story was told.
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 01/31/24. Scenes played: 6
Target number of characters: 4
Current number of characters: 4
Submissions pending: 0
Players so far: Depechefloyd, ikkor, Bexja, Saoli
License: Community License
Toon! |
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You’re an animated character in a cartoon world!
You have a ridiculous special ability of some sort, and a silly weakness.
Get ready to run amok in a world of portable holes, relentless villains, and peeling yourself back up after being flattened under a piano. It’s Toon!
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 12/30/23. Scenes played: 6
Target number of characters: 3
Current number of characters: 4
Submissions pending: 0
Players so far: Depechefloyd, TheTurdEye, Bexja, kiralakira
License: Community License
School for Scorchery. |
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No established canon to worry about. Drop in any time.
Characters are be student spell-users learning their art, and in particular how to handle their dragons at a specialist University!
The University usually takes students in their mid-teens but no real age limits on characters.
I would want any player to tell me if I need to adjust to increase their access or inclusion.
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 06/16/23. Scenes played: 10
Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 5
Submissions pending: 0
Players so far: The_Shadow, Bexja, Depechefloyd, Thelostkomodo, LatinKnight
License: Community License
Our Flag means Minor Inconvenience |
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A fun, festive game with an international feel, allowing players to explore their inner pirate.
In the bustling pirate port of Salty Cove, Captain Barnacle Bones was renowned for his audacious exploits on the high seas. But Barnacle had a secret, a hidden treasure chest of humour in his heart that was just as valuable as his ill-gotten loot. He was famous for a saying that made his crew chuckle and his adversaries scratch their heads: “Our flag means minor inconvenience.”
You see, Captain Barnacle had a flag like no other pirate. Instead of the menacing skull and crossbones, his flag displayed a crossed cutlass and feather duster. It wasn’t long before his ship, “The Laughing Galleon,” was known far and wide for its hilariously mild approach to piracy.
One sunny morning, Captain Barnacle’s lookout spotted a rival pirate ship on the horizon. The dreaded Captain Blackbeard and his crew of menacing marauders were headed straight for them.
“Captain, Captain Blackbeard approaches!” yelled the lookout.
Captain Barnacle scrambled to the deck and bellowed, “Man the tickle cannons!”
The crew leaped into action, firing confetti and shooting water pistols at the approaching ship. Captain Blackbeard’s crew was perplexed, dodging streams of water and colourful paper instead of cannonballs and grapeshot.
“We’ve been tricked!” roared Captain Blackbeard, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Full sail ahead, mateys! We’ll give ‘em a routing they won’t soon forget!”
But as Captain Blackbeard’s ship drew nearer, he found that his fearsome pirates were instead getting drenched by a seemingly endless supply of water balloons launched from the Laughing Galleon.
Meanwhile, Captain Barnacle, standing at the ship’s wheel with a feather duster in one hand and a rubber chicken in the other, looked fearless. His methods might be unconventional, but he had never lost a battle yet…
If you have played one of my previous Christmas games:
The previous deck of cards is still here, but you can ignore this
There is totally no need to have any knowledge of previous games - but if you want to bring a previous character in, that is fine.
Um, hope I have covered everything, but do ask questions!
Hosted and narrated by: Bexja (Bexja)
Started 12/01/23. Scenes played: 6
Target number of characters: 5
Current number of characters: 8
Submissions pending: 0
Players so far: Hunterbean, LatinKnight, Glorious, MrWhiteHair, Depechefloyd, Bexja, Rosem, Nyxxx
License: Community License