
Cluck Cluck


If you lock hundreds of chickens in a room with a typewriter, they will eventually write a novel. Fortunately, two will do the same amount of work for less pay.

I’ve always loved fantasy and fiction, not always the same thing, and enjoy writing and reading both. My characters range from humorous assholes to sadistic, blood-frenzied, homicidally insane nut jobs, and I love them all like the horrifying children that they are.

But seriously, if you want to contact me or anything of the like, feel free. I’m open to book chats, game chats, Storium chats, general chats about nothing… I like people. Send me a tweet or an email or something, I can be surprisingly sociable at times.

Time zone (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Joined Apr 19, 2014
Membership Status



Last online almost 8 years ago
Word Count 54,593
Forum Posts 3
Completed... Sir Alfred Piddletop in Extraordinary Adventures


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