This story is about people.
People who do incredible things, but are still people none the less.
Beginning in 1922, this chronicle will explore the dark corners of the world, investigating horrors and dealing with the impact of unknowable things on the everyday lives of indivduals. Set in Chicago, the characters will find themselves involved with a group of desperate people, trying to survive and maintain their own minds as they battle creatures from beyond this world.
I had a rough idea (feel free to discuss!) about one of the main characters inherreting a position in a secret society from an estranged father or distant uncle, so that they can come in without knowledge of the circumstances…
I’m open to any suggestions, my stories are generally based on the realtionships between the people involved in the plots. I’m looking for anyone who wants to give this a go and explore!
Hosted and narrated by:
Dan McGru (DanMcGru)
Started 04/29/14.
Scenes played: 9
License: Community License