Story Background
Each of you are signed up to a singles’ event that will take place at this Ski and Snowboard Lodge in the Rockies called Rocky Lodge. They plan on giving you coupons and discounts that will be sent to you so that you can have a good old time for a discounted price! There, they say that you will have plenty of opportunities to get to know the other single people there. Lodging there will be paid for, since each of you have already paid for it ahead of time since they already helped pay for your plane tickets and other things to make sure your stay here will be pleasant. This is so that you will have a wonderful time without too much of a dent in your wallet, and hopefully, to come away from this attached.
The year is the 1990’s, so cellphones, laptops, and the like are a hard find and are extremely expensive. Each of you are of normal professions and are looking for a good time. Also keep in mind the time frame for your characters regarding their professions and the years you write when making your character.
But upon your arrival, each of you already notice that something doesn’t feel quite right…
Narrator’s Notes
__ Players: I’m looking for maybe 2 - 5 players, and depending, more. I tried juggling a broader group of people, but it didn’t last very long.
__ Activity: I expect my players to be very active, or responsive. I had a few people that weren’t… as such and I felt it was disappointing. It made it difficult for me to figure out what it was my players wanted and I do like to interact with you so that I know where I can take the story, if I should up the pace, or slow the pace down.
__ Story: The story background generally relies on player interaction and if there isn’t any there, then it would make this game rather… difficult to continue.
__ Genre: Adventure, Mystery, and Horror.
__ Inspiration: This is based on the Call of Cthulhu RPG and I’ve decided to give it a shot to narrate a story here on Storium.
__ Character Profiles: Please include pictures with each of your character cards. I would also prefer if your character avatars/icons to be of almost “real” like quality, like that of either a photograph or the like. No cartoons or extremely stylized art. Realistic art, maybe CGI, is accepted.
__ Writing: I expect literacy with each of my players so that it makes reading your replies easier. And this game is quite imperative to have lots of detail in your writing, please, write as much as you want! So don’t skimp out on me since there is no word limits here.
__ Tenses: For this game, I will ask my players to write only in third person, present tense. Any other and I will request a revision, given since this will make it feel more real.
I expect the professions to be rather normal: doctors, cops, artists, writers, athletes, businessmen, clergy, criminals, laborers, government officials, and whatever else you can think of that is present in today’s day and age.
Please fill this portion out on the top of your character description:
Height: (Feet / centimeters)
Weight: (Pounds / Kilograms)
Colleges, Degrees:
Mental Disorders:
Health Points:
From there, please go here: and roll the d100 dice once for your Sanity and two d20’s for your health points. Please be honest as I know rolling 99 is obviously cheating. Try to score for reasonable numbers on your Sanity Rolls. I’m being lenient since I want to try to modify this for Storium and once those are done, fill it in at the top. I may or may not knock it down or up, depending on your character.
Please note that the Sanity and Health Points and this game in general is highly experimental. Depending how the events of how the game goes, I may or may not get rid of it, depending on how cumbersome it might become. I might even add a few things just to give them a try whenever I come up with a new idea from the Call of Cthulhu RPG.
Game Mechanics
Anything that involves losses for sanity/hp will vary depending on events and the completion of goals in the game. Go for a weak outcome, and you might end up losing a lot of sanity or hp, but go for strong outcomes, and you might just end up risking other things instead.
I will keep track of these in the beginning of each scene, and will update accordingly with each progressive new piece of information. Just like the RPG, suffer a severe loss of HP of 5 or more, depending on said injury or loss, will render your character most likely unconscious for an undetermined amount of time. Suffer a certain number of Sanity loss, I will write what your character will do once that occurs and then from there, you can decide what it is your character will do.
A weak outcome doesn’t necessarily mean bad things will occur and a good outcome doesn’t mean it’s good either. I’ve decided to take up on an idea that will probably, or seriously, fuck up my players. 8) So prepare yourself.
Anything else will be posted here for information or questions and lengthy discussions:
Please check it frequently as I might update it with information pertaining to the story or your characters.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 08/21/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License