“Well hey there. Not see you around before. Welcome to the general store. Won’t find better prices on general goods this side o’ the mountains”
“I’m Albert and I been here longer’n most folks so I know what’s what and who’s who. Been here since we wuz a one horse, one saloon town. And look at us now! Now we got ourselves two saloons and more’n two horses. Good job, too, what with all those folks movin’ in and gettin’ after all that gold. You one of ‘em? You don’t look like you’re one of ‘em but who can tell these days? Gold fever’s got even sensible folk all riled up”
“‘course - if you’re wanting to stick around then you might want ta look at one of them saloons. Both take payin’ guests. Jenny’s is … well… if you want entertainment with ya room then it’s Jenny’s you want. If you want somehting a little quieter then you want The Steer. Ain’t a finer place in Hatchet Ridge. ‘course, you’re lookin’ at two ta pick from so…”
“An’ if you are here to dig up gold then I can furnish ye with all off the gear ya need. Better’n those shysters who’ve set up stall down by the sheriff’s. ‘Sides - you don’t want to go bothering the sheriff, not with her needed to focus on those disappearances ‘n’ all. She’s got her work cut out for ‘er there. Always been the odd one here and there but it’s got to be a nuisance now”
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 03/11/20.
Scenes played: 14
License: Community License