This is a game of epic-level super heroics. Inspired by the Authority, Avengers, JLA, etc, the characters will the watch guard of the Earth, its first and last defense against extinction-level events and alternate universe invasion.
Rating: Some violence is to be expected, but fade-to-black for sex or anything else explicit. Keep it in line with the tone you would expect in a mainstream comic book.
Tone: This will be set in the modern day - there are some rumours, but superheroes are not a known thing in the world at large.
Submissions: I’m after original superheroes who are interesting characters first, and with interesting powersets second. Power levels can be along the line of Thor, Wonder Woman, Batman—your character will probably not have trouble taking down standard bad guys without breaking a sweat. The original run of the Authority is one of my main influences for this game: characters who were both larger than life in action and scope, yet human in detail. Well-written submissions along this line will be well-regarded.
Character creation: Creating your cards is very welcome, but please make them in line with the cards that have been made. That is, your nature should reflect your mythos, and your strength cards should not be your powers, but your personality. Powers will be given as assets in-game.
Players: I’m after 4-5, and I have some interest already. I’ll leave submissions open for a little while, as I don’t believe Storium games function well according to first come, first served.
Speed: This game will be slow but steady - I’m after a long game, not a fast one that burns out. I’m after characters who are in for the long haul.
Thanks for reading! Any questions, get in touch with me at the forum where I’ve been discussing this game:
Hosted and narrated by:
Silas (WorldFire)
Started 07/22/14.
Scenes played: 14
License: Community License