In the coastal California college town of Santa Susanna, a group of people with strange, oddly specific, supernatural talents of questionable worth are drawn together as their talents inexplicably change and even amplify. Little nexuses of localized weird all of their lives, our heroes suddenly find themselves in the middle of a vast conspiracy that threatens their lives and that of those around them. Their motley assortment of talent, along with their experience, moxie and brains are going to have to keep them alive long enough to figure out what is happening and why, and hopefully set things right again.
What they may or may not know as our story begins is that they are the children of powerful supernatural beings… some much more powerful than others, perhaps, but something strange is happening with the balance of power in all of their realms.
… Actually? Some of their parental deities are the half-baked gods and goddesses of weird, non-sexy-sounding things like ‘trash’ and ‘footgear’ and ‘handrails’, generally relegated to footnotes and subtext, and some of them are just distant relations to stronger deities… which makes even less sense that anyone would remember they’re around, much less wish them harm or care about their progeny. A starting point will be hard to come by, and a solution… well. It’s a good thing they have each other.
Hosted and narrated by:
nuevecuervos (nuevecuervos)
Started 02/20/17.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License