Shapes that rip and tear. Shadows that live in corners. Windows in space and time that lead to realms of madness and decay. A dark, lurking horror that feeds off the echoing anguish of a billion tortured souls. This is the center of a twisted, sinister conspiracy which threatens the very existence of all humankind.
The Metroplexes, where most of the world’s population lives, are a blend of lawless gang turf and corporate fortresses ruled by men and women powerful enough to be above the law. The countryside is sparsely inhabited, its natives suspicious and violent. And increasing areas of countryside are turning into Demonground, from which few return.
This is a modern horror game. The year is 2053, and the Players are citizens of the Chatlanta metroplex. Cybernetics are known, but uncommon unless you are among the ultra-wealthy. Magic does not exist, although some psychic abilities, known as Empathy, are rumored to exist although they are mostly fodder for tabloids.
This game will be based on the classic RPG Dark Conspiracy by GDW, Inc. with some modifications for the Storium format. Players will be members of a group who have had one or two minor incidents with weird things previously, and would be willing to come together and investigate more unbelievable things.
Use of provided Natures and cards is highly recommended, although suggestions for additions or alterations are welcome. The game will be capped at 4-6 players.
Hosted and narrated by:
Jason Hosler (anthraxus)
Started 02/28/16.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License
image source: Larry Elmore