The year is 2030. Europolis, an agglomerate of European cities including Paris, Brussels, Antwerp and London, has become one giant urban area. It is the center of Europe attracting many immigrants while the rest of Europe slowly descends into anarchy and poverty. A web of high speed trains and highways both underground and above ground connects this sprawl in such a way as to make both business and crime transcend national boundaries. Administrative reforms tied the Europolis together adding yet another layer onto the already complicated bureaucracy that governs the European Union.
At the same time extreme weather, due to global warming, and energy shortages have made the world smaller in a way. Airliner companies went bankrupt, sea travel has become more dangerous and fewer people can afford things we used to take for granted like cars.
This new reality demanded a new agency ready to combat overarching security problems. The Agency was born. Local police forces and even national agencies of the UK, France and Belgium have to bow to a new small but very powerful police force. They are only brought in when the entire Europolis is threathened. Composed of the best the European union can offer, the players are brought together as part of a unit working together on one specific big case.
Tense : Whatever you feel comfortable using but I myself prefer 3rd person past tense with some first person present tense thrown in for action scenes.
Language: the agency works in English but if you make a character that has a different primary language I encourage you to use it for small snippets where appropriate, google translate for the win!
Technology level : I would like to keep it somewhat realistic with only realistically extrapolated technology used
Tone and inspiration : I’m thinking of The Wire, Blacklist, Luther, Dexter, William Gibsons latest books for cyberpunk influences, etc. Mostly recent cop shows with a dark undertone basically.
Characters: You can make your own natures and other cards but I have provided some of my own for ideas.
Please use photos instead of drawings in case you use character portraits or want art for your nature, goal, weakness and strength cards. It fits more with the “TV show” vibe I’m trying to go for
A devil’s gambit is the first “episode” with the idea of creating a series called “the agency”. This to combat player fatigue and to have a chance to periodically attract new blood.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 10/06/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License