

I come from a background of roleplaying and writing reviews but don’t have that much experience with writing fiction. I do like to read books, sci-fi and fantasy for the most part. Nowadays a little less though because of adult life but I still like to if I get the chance.

English is not my native language but I would rate my spelling as pretty good and everything else kinda average.

I was born in 1985 in Leuven, Belgium and I still live in the vicinity together with my girlfriend and our twins. Kids, a house and a job can be a lot of work so I can’t always update multiple times a day. I do have access to a computer around the clock so you’ll never see me disappear all of the sudden.

Time zone (GMT+01:00) Brussels
Joined Apr 14, 2014
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Last online 3 years ago
Word Count 8,903
Forum Posts 12
Completed... John Case in Galactic Prison Riot (complete)


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Hosting & Narrating

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  • Made 60 Moves
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  • Just What You Needed
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