January, 2020. Los Angeles. Two months ago, a half-dozen Nexus-6 replicants escaped an off-world colony and came to Earth looking for more life. They’re gone now, and the blade runner who retired them vanished. But the business of protecting the planet from artificial people goes on.
A random physical screening at a public benefits office turned up a Nexus-5, which was swiftly retired. In the wake of its discovery and removal, questions have been raised: where did he come from? Are there more down here? A team of blade runners has been dispatched to resolve the situation.
It all begins with the Nexus-5, Leonard Frank. And it’s up to you.
Hosted and narrated by:
Sam Hawken (SamH)
Started 03/15/15.
Scenes played: 10
License: Community License
image source: Original graphic with elements by Warner Bros.