Welcome to Storium, the online storytelling game.

Storium turns creative writing into a multiplayer game. It’s free to play and easy to get started. Learn more about Storium...





None yet.

Harvey Fraser
Jen Heart
Lance Weston -- MACALA TRIBE
Pascal Ames -- Macala Tribe
Sage Hendrix - Porti Tribe
Stacey Smith

Chapter 5, Scene 2 Act , Scene 2

Grassy Area

“Come on in, guys!” Jeff calls out.

Everyone in the Macarti walks up. You’re once again in the grassy area. There are a line of tables, one for each person. This looks vaguely familiar to the last challenges.

“Ready to get to today’s reward challenge? Today it’s all about numbers and fitting them into the perfect pattern. On my go you’ll each work to complete a number sudoku puzzle. Fit the numbers into the grid in the exact pattern needed so each row and column has no repeats. The player to solve the puzzle fastest reward. Want to know what you’re playing for?”

“YES!” everyone calls out.

“Burgers. Fries, and all the beer or soda you want. Worth playing for? Let’s get started.”

You walk up to your table and see a grid. Some of the squares are filled in already with numbers. These are your guides to help solve the puzzle.

“Survivors ready. GO!

How To Play:


This challenge is a straight up Sudoku puzzle. Go to this site: http://www.websudoku.com/?select=1&level=1, make sure the level is set to EASY and input the puzzle number “24680”. Then click “Go to this puzzle”.

When you are done with your game, email a screen shot to storium@aaroncrocco.com along with your character’s name.

The person to solve the puzzle the fastest (time from move to time of me getting the email) wins the challenge.

This challenge will remain open for 24-hours or until all scores are submitted. If you don’t submit a score by the cutoff, your character will be disqualified from the challenge.

As always, feel free to ask me any questions. Good luck!

Pascal Ames -- Macala Tribe
Pascal Ames -- Macala Tribe (youMeegs) moved

More puzzles. Always puzzles. Where were all the physical puzzles that Pascal could dominate?!

Still, his family loved these Sudoku puzzles. He thought he could do it pretty well…

Lance Weston -- MACALA TRIBE
Lance Weston -- MACALA TRIBE (youLuxtizer) moved

Lance didn’t mind the puzzles so much. He used to do sudoku on the train. Especially when he’d get stuck on the crossword.

Time to start.

Jen Heart
Jen Heart (youjomala) moved

Not her favorite. Who had time for these things? She knew the rules though at least.

Harvey Fraser
Harvey Fraser (youmrseeker) moved

Harvey scratches his head, and starts chewing on the pen while he tries to solve the puzzle…

Sage Hendrix - Porti Tribe
Sage Hendrix - Porti Tribe (youCoffeeNinjaB8) moved

Sage saw the puzzle and felt a sense of worry, he liked all puzzles….except Sudoku

He made his attempt, but just couldn’t figure it out, and just gave up, he had no chance to win this one.

The narrator continued the scene

Jeff walks around as each of the contestants races to do the puzzle. Only three minutes and sixteen seconds later does Pascal yell out “JEFF!”. He comes over and checks over the puzzle.

“Pascal wins reward!” he shouts.

Pascal walks over to stand next to the host.

“Nicely done, Pascal. A wonderful cookout lunch here on the beach. It’ll be great but dining alone is never fun. Pick one person to join you.”

Your stomach knots as you wonder if you’ll get Pascal to pick you.

This challenge is ONLY for Pascal to play against.

Challenge results:

Lance 8:10
Pascal 3:16
Sage 5:14
Harvey 10:34

Lance Weston -- MACALA TRIBE
Lance Weston -- MACALA TRIBE (youLuxtizer) moved

Lance gave Pascal a smile he hoped came across as charming, but probably just came across as desperate. When was the last time he had meat? Best to try not to dwell on it.

Jen Heart
Jen Heart (youjomala) moved

Jen smiled warmly at Pascal too, genuinely happy for him after such an impressive effort. She didn’t rate her chances at getting picked to share the prize though, unless he wanted a female dining companion. She and Harvey had already enjoyed one feast, and Sage wasn’t going to appreciate the meat, so Lance was the obvious choice. Still, she’d like the chance to relax properly with him.

Pascal Ames -- Macala Tribe
Pascal Ames -- Macala Tribe (youMeegs) moved

Only one could join him? He had really hoped it would be two. But still, the decision wasn’t too hard.

“Lance has stuck with me this whole game, so Lance, come on buddy,” he said, feeling he owed an explanation. “Sorry, Harvey, I know you voted for me. And Jen, I know you don’t want to work with me, either. Sage… Well, I assumed you wouldn’t want any of the food Jeff mentioned. Sorry guys. But, yeah. It’s going to be Lance.”

Sage Hendrix - Porti Tribe
Sage Hendrix - Porti Tribe (youCoffeeNinjaB8) moved

Sage didn’t mind, not only did the food not interest him, but he was the only one who didn’t finish, he didn’t deserve to go.

“All good, I didn’t finish anyway, it wouldn’t be fair” Sage says calmly.

Harvey Fraser
Harvey Fraser (youmrseeker) moved

Harvey frowns. He might have considered Pascal for elimination, but now he considers putting up Pascal for elimination…

Lance Weston -- MACALA TRIBE
Lance Weston -- MACALA TRIBE (youLuxtizer) moved

Lance gives Pascal a wide grin. “Thanks, buddy.” He said, stepping forward. “I know I haven’t exactly had the best luck with these reward challenges in the past, but I certainly won’t be forgetting this if that ever changes.”

Lance was already thrilled by the prospect of a proper meal.

The narrator ended the scene

“Okay, Lance come on over. An awesome BBQ lunch and it will surely fill your belly with much-needed protein. Enjoy. For the rest of you, I’ve got nothing. Grab your stuff. Head on back to camp.”


jomala (narrator) (host) (You):
Not used to doing Easy! Never been really fast on these. [delete]
mrseeker (narrator) (host) (You):
Not sure if I can be called "fast", but there is a trick to those puzzles that you need to understand :P [delete]
CoffeeNinjaB8 (narrator) (host) (You):
Oh shit, I forgot [delete]
CoffeeNinjaB8 (narrator) (host) (You):
Oh well [delete]
Meegs (narrator) (host) (You):
Can't wait to see who wins! @MacStainless [delete]
Luxtizer (narrator) (host) (You):
Wasn't even close. You guys are awesome at these things. [delete]
CoffeeNinjaB8 (narrator) (host) (You):
Lol did you give Sage a random time? I totally didn't do it. [delete]
MacStainless (narrator) (host) (You):
Someone didn't include their character name in the email so I had to guess. However it doesn't change the outcome of the challenge. [delete]
CoffeeNinjaB8 (narrator) (host) (You):
Maybe Jen? I should have the DNF [delete]
jomala (narrator) (host) (You):
Yes, 5:14 was Jen [delete]
CoffeeNinjaB8 (narrator) (host) (You):
Thought so, just want to be fair :) [delete]
jomala (narrator) (host) (You):
Thanks! [delete]
mrseeker (narrator) (host) (You):
3 minutes??? Wow... [delete]
Meegs (narrator) (host) (You):
I live for puzzles LOL [delete]
mrseeker (narrator) (host) (You):
Yeah, I can see that :P What rating you usually solve? Hard? [delete]
Meegs (narrator) (host) (You):
I don't even do Sudoku that much anymore, because it's just not all that challenging. [delete]
Meegs (narrator) (host) (You):
I've been really into Kakuro lately. [delete]
jomala (narrator) (host) (You):
The small, symmetrical Kakuro we get in the Times feel a bit samey to me, though I do occasionally do them. I like hard Killer Sudoku. [delete]
Meegs (narrator) (host) (You):
Jomala, I have a couple of "Absolutely Nasty Kakuro" books. They're very challenging, but I love them. [delete]
Meegs (narrator) (host) (You):
Killer Sudoku is good, too. Shockwave actually has a daily "Mega Sudoku" game that is 16x16. [delete]
CoffeeNinjaB8 (narrator) (host) (You):
I dont even like Sudoku, and I probably would have gave up anyway [delete]
Commentary can begin once the narrator publishes the first scene.
Commentary can begin once the narrator publishes the first scene.
Commentary is private for this game.
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