“What good is a reward if you ain’t around to use it?”
-Han Solo
In the entire galaxy, there are no race quite like the Hutts… in their relentless persuit of their own self interest, they seem to collect bounty hunters, smugglers, and miscellaneous scoundrals like a bantha collects flies.
In that respect, Khorva the Hutt is no different. While Khorva has nowhere near as influential as many of his kinfolk, he more then makes up for it with a combination of ambition and lack of moral inhibition that always seems to end in a profit.
So when Khorva ‘aquired‘ a space yacht and turned his sights toward Coruscant, of course there were those who joined him on his endevor… either because they had no choice, or because they knew that there would be profit to be had.
Note: Scoundrals are those who are looked down on by the rest of the galaxy. Often they are perfectly okay with this; they don’t need anyone exept for themsleves… and they’re well adept at taking care of themselves.
-Despite the nature of Scoundrals, players are encouraged to find reasons to work together toward a similar goal. The starting unifier will be Khorva, but the team is encouraged to find their own unifiers.-
Hosted by:
Ryan M (ToskaO)
Rotating narration
Started 06/27/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License