“How am I to know the good side from the bad?”
―Luke Skywalker
The Galaxy is injured and broken. It needs healers and defenders, those who would sacrifice their own desires for the good of all.
Salavan Heska had never considered himself a defender or a healer. He was a simple merchant from Alderaan… or at least he was, until the Empire destroyed his planet. Then he was nothing.
But then the Empire fell, and the call went out. The galaxy needed those who were wise, those who were fair, those who were brave… and the scattered reminants of Alderaan chose Salavan Heska, now Ambasador Heska, to represent them in the fledgling Galactic Republic.
… Of course a man can not save the galaxy on his own, nor can good be done on the Senate Floor alone. Ambasador Heska was wise enough to know that he would need help. So he gathered those he trusted the most, asking them to accompany him.
So they set off to answer the call of destiny.
Note: The LightSide is not an easy path to follow, as noble as your intentions may be. A good person’s hopes and fears… even their desire to do the right thing, can be twisted. LightSide characters will be tested and must be dilegent, for if they fall the path back to the light will be even more difficult then the path itself was.
Please keep in mind what temptations your character might struggle with when writing your character.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ryan M (ToskaO)
Started 06/27/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License