“Conflict forces one to better oneself. It forces change, growth, adaption, evolution… or death.”
―Yuthura Ban, Sith
The Emperor is dead… but the Empire was not The Emperor.
Those who truely know strength know this, and they stand strong while the weak scatter like vermin.
Among these bastions of strength stands Admiral Vesska, a woman who rose from shuttle pilot to Admiral at an unprecidented rate. Before the Emperor’s fall, she rumors had even circled that she was due to be appointed as a Moff…
Strength inevitably attracts more strength, and Admiral Vesska proved no different. While other Imperial fleets have scattered of fled, Admiral Vesska’s Star Destroyer has grown large enough to disuade any would be attackers.
Such strength has led to rumblings… as those eager for action question why the fleet has not taken action to reclaim the glory of the Empire.
Those who know the Admiral, however, know that the appearance of inaction does not mean that actions are not being made.
Different whispers circle amongst those close to the seat of power… Vesska intends to make her move soon, and she intends to hand pick a small group to carry it out.
Note: The Dark Side attracts those who love power, order, and control… a love that is often born from secret hidden fear and/or weakness. DarkSide characters may display the potential for great power, but are often motivated by these insecurites.
Hosted by:
Ryan M (ToskaO)
Rotating narration
Started 06/27/16.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License