The Besilaad are a race of mysterious beings, living separate from the world of humankind. Though they have been documented in stories, and whispered about by the humans of nearby lands for generations, rarely have their paths crossed without bloodshed. Humans cannot know. They will destroy the way of life of the Besilaad.
Besilaad dwell exclusively in the Forest of Jadehail, where they have established their kingdom and held its borders for thousands of years. Mysterious magical protections are in place to turn back humans with delusions of grandeur, thinking they would seek out the mysterious “faeries” in the forest.
The structure of the society is incredibly strict, with no room for bending the rules of social rebellion. Each individual is born into a House, and each House is responsible for an aspect of the society, such as magical works, tailoring, priesthood, craftsmanship and so on. So any children born into the House are trained in the work of their family, and expected to maintain that for the rest of their lives. The Houses fall in and out of favour of the Royal Line, depending on the successes they achieve, or the misfortune that may befall them.
The Royal Line is the ruling family of the Besilaad, born from legendary mystical individuals known as “The Wellspring” who are worshiped as divine beings. Temples are dedicated to these few people who began the civilisation years before. The ruling family hold tight control of the kingdom, making and upholding all the laws. The strict set of rules that have been developed are referred to as “The Nactuuin”. Violations against these laws would result in the harshest of punishments, including the very worst fate imaginable, exile.
The rules include -
- Marriages between Besilaad must be approved by a member of the Family of MatchMakers.
- No contact with any outsiders without permission.
- All Besilaad are required to serve the Royal Line in anything requested of them, regardless of House.
- Houses must maintain their own lines, no crossing of House types (e.g. a Merchant may not marry a magician)
- Sacred days must be observed by all people.
- Certain Houses have restrictions around where they may go, and when.
- Payment of Dues are offered to the Royal Line every moon.
Physical appearance is controlled by the House that one belongs to. e.g. Royal Line have long hair, which is cultivated carefully in braids.
- Humans and others are not to be trusted.
The idea of this game is that one person left this world behind to explore the world of Humans. They have lived in the human world for years, and had children with a human person. After all of this, something has happened that has left that individual with no choice but to return to the place where they were born, bringing their child/ren with them (young adults/teens). Their offspring have grown up in a world completely different from this one, and now have to face the situation of adapting to life amongst what they thought were made up creatures.
I was originally intending this to be a medieval style game where the humans were living in a medieval kingdom outside of the Besilaad lands, but actually now I am thinking it will have more impact if the people who are returning are coming from modern day. So, I am going to place this magical kingdom in the outskirts of a nondescript northern European country to be negotiated at a later date. (Possibly Sweden).
Hosted and narrated by:
Dan McGru (DanMcGru)
Started 04/08/20.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License