In the style of Mad Men, a game centered around an ad agency in the swinging 1960s. Personal drama and high pressure pitches abound. Never soap operatic, but introspective and a slow burn.
Looking for 4-5 players who enjoy a pace that is focused on the characters over big plot points.
What sort of game is this? This is not an attempt to create Mad Men fan fiction. I’m not interested in just playing with the toys. I am more interested in taking the character types and themes of the series and remixing them. It will still be 1960s NYC, but this isn’t the story of Don Draper, Peggy Olson, and the others. I’m very fascinated to see how players pull elements from disparate characters in Mad Men to construct completely new characters.
In terms of challenges, I know I will really have to flex my mental muscles to think beyond traditional challenges. I hope to incorporate some PvP elements by setting up challenges that clearly present who the winner would be in a Strong outcome. This would mean a PC who would not want this success could play Weak cards as a form of narrative sabotage.
Hosted and narrated by:
Seth Harris (Huckabees)
Started 05/25/14.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License