Outsiders say Lake Melaniya is cursed. Those who call it home know that it’s not, as long as you know the rules. Don’t go out when the neon green fog rolls in from the lake, listen to the ghost of Melaniya Landenburg if she says it’s a bad day to go swimming, don’t go into the Forest of Doors unless you know which door you’re looking for, remember that the 3rd of every month is Purple Day, never ever take your pendant off… These are rules that will keep people safe.
You call Lake Melaniya home. You may have been born and raised here or you may have been an outsider who managed to get the town to let you live in it. Weird is part of your every day life, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
OOC notes
I prefer if we only have one type of character for the game. One doctor, one teacher, one policeman, one librarian and so on. You don’t have to play any of the roles that are suggested in the create character page - if you want to play Joe who works at the local grocery store or the local postal lady, you’re more than welcome to. If you want to “get weird” and make an offbeat character, feel free! We have a number of cryptids at the zoo that are humanoid and sentient, even, though they’re limited to being zookeepers.
NPCs that are taken: The mayor, town priest, the owner of the most popular bakery/cafe (though you’re more than welcome to run a competing restaurant), and the guy who owns the B&B.
The cards are just suggestions - Please feel free to make your own if you have an idea you want to play!
Every person has a pendant that shows up at their doorstep when the town decides they’re a native. (The town, not the people in the town.) This pendant is an indicator of their personality or role in the city. For example, the Mayor’s pendant is a cloud with a gavel etched on it. Please include the design for the pendant in your bio when you submit your character. Do not mention what your pendant means in your bio - figuring out the meaning of someone’s pendant is something that could be played out in the game for Reasons.
Also, please be aware that you proooooobably don’t ever want your character to take their pendant off.
Hosted and narrated by:
Rachel (Forests_of_Fire)
Started 07/15/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License