In the wake of the return of the Great Old Ones to Earth, humanity has collectively been sapped of their sanity. The Old Magic of the Ones has seeped into the Earth and spread to all corners, twisting nearly everything it imbues into a corrupted shell of its former self. While plants, fungi, and humans seem to be susceptible to the taint, animals are strangely affected.
Animals have been growing intelligence since the return of the Old Ones. Some are overwhelmed by their newfound understanding of the world and follow the path of the humans, descending into madness. They often become physically twisted, reflecting their tainted minds. The brains of others simply overload and shut down with the sudden influx of information. A chosen few, however, are able to overcome the challenge and cross into sapience. They are granted self-awareness, reason, and the ability to communicate by the language of the Old Ones. These animals call themselves “The Enlightened.” They reason that the Old Magic has a different affect on the non-sapient, but sentient creatures of the world than those either both or neither. The Old Ones have granted them this gift of the mind, but they have also destroyed the planet in the process.
In a quickly dying world filled with madness, corruption, and otherwordly monsters, the Enlightened must overcome their natural instincts and band together if they are to survive in the new age.
Hosted by:
Rotating narration
Started 07/18/17.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License