Potentialy looking to recruit a ‘hacker’ type character… will be determined on 14 August
The year is 2072, and a handfull of Mega-corporations hold almost all of the worlds wealth and power. The rich are richer, the poor are poorer, and the technology has advanced to what you would expect from a sci-fi move.
For the average person, however, life really has not changed. They go to work, slave away to keep their jobs, and then go home to their homes and families.
You aren’t an average person, though. You’re a ‘runner’ a highly skilled criminal who regularly finds their lives at risk, either working for, or against, the Mega-Corps.
The other day your contact called you, excitement filling his voice. He said he had word of a job that was essentially a walk in the park… and it pays enough that you wouldn’t have to work again for a long time.
Players are encouraged to create their own cards, I could never imagine that I could cover every (or even the most interesting) posibility. It’s particularly encouraged to design your own goal cards.
Cyberpunk game, looking for three to five players
Hosted and narrated by:
Ryan M (ToskaO)
Started 06/04/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License