Eons before the overdeveloped ape of man took their first tenuous steps onto the world they would swarm, the Old Ones ruled. They first came from the stars, millions and millions of decades before humanity wrote its first word. Awesome and terrible, they trod upon the new earth, and death took the land where they tread. They slumber now, some beneath miles of dark water and others in the vast, forgotten labyrinths of stone hidden underground. Only the mad speak of them now, those poor souls who have glimpsed traces of the Old Ones, and are considered blubbering lunatics by the more blind of men. What none of them know, however, is that when the stars are right, the Old Ones will walk again, and will bring humanity’s damnation.
Hosted and narrated by:
Moses Ost (Snuffluphagus)
Started 04/14/16.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License