The setting is twenty hundred thousand years in the future of a different universe. Technology has undulated proving that diversity is a key ingredient to staying alive in the Andoman galaxy. The planets orbiting the stars have joined into allianced factions. War was inevitable and that means the money is always good for the side with no allegiances.
You are on the space craft Farsight a speedy freighter with high maneuverability. She may be small but she is fast and has a lot of cargo space ;).
Your mission over the past few years has been to smuggle goods and services through inter stellar borders. These boarders between systems are some of the most dangerous places in the galaxy.
There are no rookies on board. You must trust your captain, in turn you will gain respect and responsibilities. Will you make it through with fame and fortune? Or, will you wither away in a cell with no one to remember your name.
Hosted and narrated by:
AxeCop Fire (AxeCopFire)
Started 01/04/15.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License