

Overall I like stories with happy endings. Try not to be too dark with my story telling. Attempt to include some humor if possible. Not a big fan of horror and gore. I also try my best to avoid graphic violence.

For the purpose of disclosure: I have a disorder called autism. Which for me impairs my spelling and proof reading. I use spellchecker, but some times I forget a word thinking I typed it. And a few times I spelled a real word, but not the word I intended. Spell checks won’t catch that. And sometimes despite my efforts, I will fail to catch them during my proof read. So if you have me in a game, those are things you might encounter.

Time zone (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Joined May 2, 2014
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Last online 2 months ago
Word Count 81,387
Forum Posts 23
Hosting... The Pandora Quarantine (narrator)
Playing... Ingrid Ravenfoot in Preventing Ragnarok


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