This game/story has MANY scenes and villains, so consider it like episodes on a TV show. You can join any time.
Premise: General consensus names Dr. Destroyer — the powered armor-wearing evil genius responsible for the Battle of Detroit and one of the few villains to ever succeed at taking over the world, albeit only for three months — as the most powerful supervillain on Earth. You’re inclined to agree. You’ve spent years battling him and stopping his schemes, often winning only by a hair’s breadth — and even then, you’re not always sure Destroyer didn’t let you win as part of some longer-term scheme. But still you go on fighting your war against him, because the alternative — to ignore him and let him take over the world again — is unthinkable.
Hosted and narrated by:
Marko (Depechefloyd)
Started 02/20/24.
Scenes played: 15
License: Host License