This entire storium will be a game. Everyone who submits a character will be granted entry. There will be a word limit of one word per move. The point is to make a cohesive sentence that is as long as the challenge that I provide by working together with the other players. Hopefully, connecting the sentences together to form a paragraph that makes sense, and possibly a story.
I expect this to be a somewhat amusing/challenging word game. So if you would like to join, submit a character. Please feel free to make up amusing cards, since they don’t particularly matter for this.
This game has already started, but if you would like to join all you need to do is read to catch up and come in ready to play. I will still take anyone who wants to join.
Hosted and narrated by:
Kari Podhajsky (kpodhajsky)
Started 06/05/14.
Scenes played: 12
License: Community License