== Suitable For Beginners ==
Dumping you on a desert island for a month with only a couple of days training, a couple of machetes and a couple of cameras, this reality TV show is likely to be more Lord of the Flies than Survivor. As one of the contestants, can you collaborate, survive and thrive, or will you be begging to be taken off the island within a day?
This is based on The Island With Bear Grylls (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Island_with_Bear_Grylls), a British reality TV series. The show is meant to be cooperative, not competitive: there are no winners and losers, just survivors and drop-outs. I’ll not stick exactly to the format of any of the series though, and it won’t matter if you haven’t seen it.
This game is designed to be welcoming for beginners, to help them get used to the site mechanics, and to decide what sort of gameplay they like. Unlike the TV series, the game should not be too gruelling, playing out in only six scenes.
Hosted and narrated by:
Started 04/30/16.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License