There is the Real world of New York and the magical world of The City. Most beings belong to either the Real or The City. But not you.
You are a Betweener. Something in your nature gives you the freedom to walk as you will. Bound to neither realm; nowhere to call home. Different from denizens of both side and sought for your ability to travel freely, you travel a wandering path.
In The City, a cold war simmers. Arthur and his knights seek to impose law and order, Arthur’s law and order, on what they see as a chaotic City. Many have already fallen to his blade. A rough alliance or powers called the Council hold him in check.
Will you get tangled in the struggles of the powerful? Will you forge your own destiny or become their tool?
Hosted and narrated by:
Steven Markley (daHob)
Started 07/05/14.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License