It’s the turn of the 20th century, and war has come to Europe, they are already calling it a war for the world. Central powers of Austria and Germany against the Allied powers of Russia, France, and England. No one is all too certain how it began, but its been going for almost two years now. Battle lines have remained stagnant on the Western front as neither the British or Germans have been willing to commit their airship fleets away from defending their territory, that was until two months ago.
Two months ago fourteen German and eight Austrian Airships attacked the skies of London in a daring raid, the largest airship assault to date. The British Airfleet and ground air-cannons decimated the assault fleet bringing down seventeen of the attacking airships and only loosing nine airships. As airship wreckage both enemy and allied crashed into London the city burned. As emergency forces rushed to contain the fires they found another threat, dead enemy and allied forces risen again. The British Army destroyed the abominations, but with the attack a state of fear rose over the citizens of London and the home islands. More defense was needed and most of the airfleet was reallocated from colonial defense to homeland defense.
This sudden shift has allowed the war to change significantly, the military commander responsible for the attack on London soon revealed himself as the Crimson Baron, leading from his flagship the Star of Bismark, while most German forces focus on the continent holding back the French and Russians, the Baron’s contingent is striking terror and sowing seeds of rebellion in the colonies in Africa and Asia. Alongside these rebellions key scientists, archaeologists, and historians have gone missing suggesting there is more at work, something more sinister.
Britain needs a response team, and you have been recruited, willing or not you may be all that stands between the Empire and her Enemies.
Hosted and narrated by:
Chris Flagel (DominionChris)
Started 11/25/16.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License