The Book of the Eight tells us of a world ruled by the eternal and malevolent Elves. The Age of Elves came to an abrupt end five hundred years ago when a young woman named Cassandra was granted a vision by the High Divinity. Driven by her visions Cassandra led a small band of heroes to kill the seemingly immortal Elf King.
Driven insane by rage and fear, the elves tore their cities asunder and vanished, leaving the the world in ruins.
Cassandra died in the aftermath following the fall of the Elf King. The surviving members of the Band of Eight founded the Church and continued her holy work.
It is the 498th year of the Age of Man. Evil has come to the small town of Midvale. Something is stealing children in the night. You have answered the town’s cries for help. It is time to Venture Forth.
Hosted and narrated by:
Jacob Sulpice (Nevermore)
Started 01/12/16.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License