When you awaken, you find yourself in a silent place, a misty valley far away from your home. Instead of a sun, the sky burns with a giant pentagram and devlish sigils in between, though most of the time, deep fog hides this disturbing sight.
Dark forests grow in the hills around you. All you know is, that something terrible has happened last night, wherever you were, but you can’t quite grasp what it was …
You may be an experienced adventurer, maybe even a king, a powerful archmage, maybe a lowly thief. Maybe you are touched touched by dark forces or you believed yourself an avatar of good or maybe you were just an insignificant farmer.
Whoever you are, you want to return to your own realms, or at least find out where you are. As you look around, you find yourself with your one most prized possession. And a lot of questions….
When creating a character for this game feel free to create your own nature, strength and weaknesses. Also: Each character will start the game with her or his one prized possession, something that you can use, at least for a while…
Please leave a comment with your created character, stating what her or his one prized posession is.
In the game, when you gain control over a challenge, you are encouraged to actually define its outcome (regarding the hints given in the challenge). You are explicitly allowed to write the actions of NPCs in your posts - if I think something not to be fitting, I will ask for a revision.
Please only apply to join if you actually have the time to take part in this game. At the moment we have 4 active players, I’d happily welcome a few more.
Hosted and narrated by:
Jink (bpkri)
Started 04/12/14.
Scenes played: 10
License: Community License