Welcome to the unofficial Storium writing contest!!
Imagine what you can do. Reading, writing, and FUN!!
Here’s how it works:
I will write a genre at the top of my move, and you will write something genre-related. If I think it doesn’t match the genre, or it doesn’t meet a requirement, then I will request revisions until the error is fixed.
This is a short-story format for two reasons:
1) I cannot afford a membership right now
2) I don’t want this to be a long writing contest.
We may have times where I continue the scene and have another genre.
You must be on Storium regularly. The game license is Host License which means I have access to hand-off your characters, in which case I will only do if
a) you ask me to
b) you are inactive with no warning
c) I do not think you’d be a good fit for the game (take no offense!!)
If you are going to be gone, put on vacation mode and tell us in the discussion tab (or PM me).
I will wait up to two-four days. After that, I will hand off your character.
MINIMUM WORD LIMIT per move: 500 words.
In each of your move, include each of the following:
a) title
b) author
c) short description
d) three ‘enter’/‘return’ button presses, then write your story. MINIMUM WORD LIMIT IS 500.
The characters are going to consist of:
3 writers.
Creating Characters
To create a character, your nature has to be your favorite genre to write about, and your favorite genre to read about.
The strength card has to be one of your writing strengths (grammar, fast typer/writer, spelling, etc.)
The weakness card has to be one of your writing weaknesses (slow typer, bad speller, etc.)
The subplot card has to be what you would like to achieve out of writing.
The bio has to be at least two complete (grammar and spell checked) paragraphs about you and your writing/reading.
The profile picture can be anything.
The name can be your true first name, or something you like to be called.
If you would like to be a judge, please PM me. I will reply ‘yes’ or ‘no’. If you do become a judge, you must read the moves each character makes, and when I ask who’s story you think is best, tell me the story’s title, and the @ of the person who wrote it.
The judges replies will only be marked as a tally, and only at the end of the game you will find out who the judges were.
The judges do not create a character. And you can only be one: a judge, or a writer. You cannot be both.
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. If you have any comments, feel free to use the open lobby.
Hosted and narrated by:
Itz💚 Me🦖 (Aubrey11)
Started 09/17/20.
Scenes played: 1
License: Host License