The Salzar family has lived in their beloved Chicago based suburban home for the past three years. The father, Joseph has been absent from the family due to his position on an aircraft carrier in the Navy. The mother, Catherine is a workaholic who frequently leaves the home to work her long shift at the local hospital. When Catherine leaves, she calls the babysitter known as Josh, a 21 year old young man who has spent the past couple of years with the children of the home.
One evening, Catherine gets a phone call and is once again rushed out of the door but not before Josh arrives there. You, your siblings, and Josh spend time together up until there is a knock on the door. Little do they realize how much danger they were in.
Hosted and narrated by:
Azriel (XxZEExX)
Started 10/27/22.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License