In the time before memory, as the story is told when children are young, all lands were Dragon lands, and all people languished in Dragon’s cruel kingdom. When the first champion of the plains stepped forward, challenged Dragon, and defeated him with both his spirit and his spear, he became called Dragonslayer, and all lands became free. The wild plains became the lands of the Elephant King, and his people prospered under his rule.
In the time not as long ago, when your mothers’ mothers were still children, the Emperor from the North came to the lands of the Elephant King, and with him came the Army of Lions. A short but mighty war sundered the lands and people of the wild plains. The swords of the Lions shattered the spears of your ancestors, and the Elephant King’s great throne was toppled. The wild plains fell to the Lions of the North.
In the time so recent, when you, yourselves, were young, the Lions have had their fill of the plains, and now they slumber. Their leaders have taken what they wanted, and now they abandon all that they wrought. The plains and her people cry now for unity and strength and peace. They cry now for the Elephant King.
You have the spears of your mothers. You have the spirits of your ancestors. You have the magic of the plains. You have hopes of your people. Can you restore the rightful throne and heal the land once again?
Hosted and narrated by:
Rob Abrazado (flatvurm)
Started 05/26/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License