Known as the “City of Titans” during the Industrial Revolution, and then as the “Information Capital of Modern America”, Triumph City has ever been a forerunner of progressive invention. But while great industry draws wealthy investors, corporations, and skilled employees, it also attracts day laborers, hangers on, and a criminal element to take advantage of the success of the city’s champions of innovation.
Recently renamed the “City of Invention”, Triumph City has also been named in the media as the “Colossus of Crime”. Organized gangs and mobs of last century have seen their own progression, one of advanced technological weaponry, and communication. Add to these the media rumors of illegal genetic experiments by leading corporations, and it’s no wonder that Triumph City is struggling to conquer itself.
The people have voted for heroes, only to have mayors and governors let them down by joining those who break laws on a daily basis. They have formed social committees to try and change their society from the ground up, only to meet with the resistance of gangs and drug-addicted riffraff. The time of asking for champions is over. It’s time for the good people of this progressive city to become triumphant under their own power.
Those with skill, power, or special abilities, are beginning to take a stand. Will you be among them?
Player Information
This is a 4-color game set in a grayscale city, which you’ll hopefully brighten up as the story progresses. Any major archetype from comics is possible.
Check out this link for the method I’d like you to use to create your characters (using our setting, of course):
The basic: Your Nature is the type of “character” you are, while your Strength defines your power set.
Your sub-plot should still either give us a good nemesis to use, or reveal some type of story that you want to explore.
Triumph City Heroes is for big-time heroes of the Avengers or X-Men level of power. If you’re looking for something a little more gritty, check out Triumph City Streets.
Only looking for 5-6 players
Hosted and narrated by:
Ryan M. Danks (RMDanks)
Started 05/12/14.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License