Like his mother, Romulus was a Timber Wolf. He lived in the clan, when all the wolves were one. There was no North Clan, no South, no East, and no West. But Romulus had a brother, Remus.
Remus was a Black Wolf. He knew no peace. He knew only anger. Remus’ children, his pups, were fierce. They bit at Romulus’ pups. Romulus knew with Remus alive, his promise to his mother would never be true. He had promised her peace.
When a thorn is in your flesh, do not itch it. Remove it.
Romulus murdered his brother Remus. But peace did not come. Remus’ children were angry. Vengeful. They lead their clan against Romulus. But Romulus was not one to let his murder be for naught. He rallied his own clan, his own children, and fought back against Remus’ clan.
Their father, grew ashamed of the war, and he, along with the rest of the high-born white wolves, left for the icelands of the north. Still other wolves fled the war, and disappeared to the Desert of the South.
Remus’ children were powerful, fierce, and unrelenting. They led there clan through Romulus’ homeland, destroying everything. Romulus would never surrender. Instead, he started a voracious fire and with his clan, fled to The Great Forest. When Remus’ children tried also to flee to the Forest, Romulus was waiting, hunting the survivors.
But not all of the Black Wolves died in the flames or fell to Romulus. Some let the fire burn. They let it scorch their fur. They did not care. They let it burn within them, and make them more vicious, more strong. The remaining Ashlands became their home.
But today, that is but a story, a legend. A story hundreds of years old. The Divide of the Clan. Today, Sköll and Hati still circle The Den. Bringing night and day. The Desert Clan has grown, creating cities in the deserts, The White Clan has become entrenched in their religion in the peaks, the land of ice and snow. The Timber Clan is still in The Great Forest, the largest of the Clans, and the strongest. The Black Clan still waits in The Ashlands. They wait for the silent war to end. They wait to make their grab for the Wolf Throne. All the clans wait. All the clans would like to be on top, because each clan believes their way is best.
In this world though, a change is coming.
The Lore:
Hosted and narrated by:
Wesley S. (Welcome)
Started 05/17/15.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License