You’re a Ghostbuster in the nation’s capital.
Your franchise is doing really well. It’s been three years since Ghostbusters DC opened for business, and business is booming.
Who knew DC would be crawling with all manner of apparitions, ghouls, and spirits? In retrospect, it shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise. Politicians, lobbyists, and swindlers of all stripes have spent decades haunting the streets of Washington in life, why not in death, too?
The story opens at a celebration for Ghostbusters DC in their headquarters. What’s the occasion? You’re about to trap your 500th ghost since setting up shop! The party’s getting started, and there might even be a couple (living) senators in attendance…
[Ghostbusters was my favorite movie when I was a kid. This story is an homage to the original, but players shouldn’t feel obligated to canonical accuracy. I’m going more for the tone, spirit, and humor of the original.]
Hosted and narrated by:
Dan Brown (brownorama)
Started 07/01/14.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License