The world as you know it was built out of what came before. This world has held together a long time, but with its Creator long since vanished, and its guardians broken into bickering factions, it is starting to fray at the seams.
You are angels or demons, maybe a little of both. You have been fighting over this earth for untold millennia, since the Creator abandoned it. Your powers are weakening. In times past you were able to move mountains, shift the flow of seas. Your form was boundless, a sight that could bring ecstasy or madness to any who gazed on you. Now you could be mistaken for an ordinary human, and your powers grow weaker with every passing year.
The means of warfare have grown more mundane as your powers have dwindled. But the war rages on - a cold war of threats, sabotage, and proxy fighting through human followers.
Some few can see beyond their personal struggles and political aims. They see the writing on the wall. Something must be done to stop reality from unraveling.
With the Creator gone, they will search for what came before - the Daeva. The Daeva are not gods, not angels, not demons. They are the ooze from which gods were born. They are the blueprints the creator used to build his angels, and the Adversary his demons. They never left this world. They are said to be hidden in its very foundation.
You search for them now, for a means to stitch the world back together, and maybe bring back the powers you once had.
This will be a very collaborative game. I’m looking for players who are able to help me build an Urban Fantasy type world. This will play out a lot like a table-top RPG, with a main quest and many optional side quests, but the larger world is not set in stone. Players should be ready to help create the rules and boundaries of this world.
The provided nature cards are encouraged, unless you can create something you think would fit well into the world. Strengths and weaknesses are totally up to you, though I’ve created a few as a guide. I strongly encourage writing your own sub-plot cards, specific to your character.
I have no requirements in terms of tense/perspective. What matters to me is that you respect other players and their characters.
Please check out the forum thread if you want to chat with me about characters, world building, or anything else.
Hosted and narrated by:
Hannah Wilson (ankti)
Started 07/14/14.
Scenes played: 7
License: Community License