A wolf is lurking in the streets of London. Old murder cases are left cold and dusty in the Police Department’s files, as more bodies begin to fill the funeral parlors doors. There are no screams, no shrieks of terror. Only slow, sad music from the 50’s bounces off the walls of the alleyways… The bodies end up in all sorts of beautifully gruesome ways, but no traces of fingerprints or DNA point to any suspect. It’s as if the ghost of a bloody artist had danced across the rooftops of its victims, moving three steps ahead of the police. Somehow, they’re coming to the conclusion that the wolf is more closer to home than it seems…
It’s up to you now, to solve this mystery. But who will you trust? Who will you condemn? Be wary, dear detectives, for the black jaws of the wolf offer no discrimination. Soon, you will all fall victim to the wolf in sheep’s clothing if you guess incorrectly…
Hosted and narrated by:
Miss Captein (Hellionaire)
Started 06/14/20.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License