The Year is 1876 and the Wild West changed dramatically from what it once was a couple decades prior. On July 3rd 1863 the West changed and sent ramifications across the world. No one is precisely sure how it happened, but rumors persist that the Indians in some last ditch effort to save their way of life used some dark magic ritual to open the rifts and call forth spirits from the other side to drive out the American settlers. Unfortunately for the natives what came out turned on them too.
As strange things started to happen around the world nations came to a standstill to deal with the new reality. The Union and the Confederacy were dealt great losses as an Undead army of their soldiers tore through much of their remaining ranks leaving the two sides battered and suing for a ceasefire. In the West, the epicenter of it all things came a lot bloodier as new creatures and monsters moved in and spread out and the area became almost lawless as neither the Union or Confederacy could extend much into the region.
In the years since life in the weird west has a little bit better. With the discovery of Ghost Rock and the inventions developed from it along with the arrival of martial artists from the far east and magicians the fight to tame the Weird West is now.
Hosted and narrated by:
Chris Flagel (DominionChris)
Started 06/14/19.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License