Remember your adventuring days?
You did it all! Rescuing various royal heirs from sundry scheming wizards– slaying nefarious creatures, some of them fire-breathing, many of them mysteriously carrying valuable items on their person– listening to the mumbled words of gray-bearded men and mysterious black-clad women– through dwarf caves, elven forests, and sinister ruins, you followed adventure wherever it led. And on every perilous quest, your band of fellow adventurers went with you.
None were as enthusiastic, as determined, or as happy-go-lucky in the face of danger as Ada. She’s the sweetest tiefling this side of the Seven Hells, and you can’t even count the number of horrific injuries that she’s healed for you.
That was years ago. The life of an adventurer can be exhausting, not to mention tough on the knees. Over time, the party members began drifting away. Most of you haven’t seen each other for a long time, though some of you occasionally meet up for drinks to reminisce about the old days.
This spring, for the first time in a long time, the old band is getting back together. Ada is getting married– and like Baator you’re going to miss it!
…even if you’re starting to remember something else from the old days: Ada always had the worst luck. Defeated enemies follow her around like bad pennies, and it looks as if the more things change, the more they stay the same.
This wedding might be headed toward something worse than embarrassing speeches and drunk uncles. Time to stretch those adventuring muscles– Ada’s special day will be one to remember.
Hosted and narrated by:
Chip (JackOfTheLighter)
Started 01/11/17.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License