After years of complex and tedious negotiations, the British Fellowship of Occult Exploration (FOE), whose motto is “abundans cautela non nocet” (“One can never be too careful”), and the American Sons of the Arcane Frontier (SAF),whose motto is “Audentes fortuna iuvat” (“fortune favors the bold”) have agreed to share knowledge and use of the small, mysterious stone obelisks each had owned since the explorations of their founders. When the two obelisks were brought near each other in Boston, two years ago, they began to glow slightly from within, and issue a soft humming noise. Now, the two societies will send their best men and women to take both objects back to the area in Kunda, Estonia where they were found, to try and unravel their mystery.
Hosted and narrated by:
Cass W (ExquisCadavre)
Started 06/21/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License