500 years ago, a mysterious Tower appeared suddenly upon the cliffs overlooking Silver Lake. Reeking of magic and arcane secrets, many adventurers have sought to plunder its halls - only to never return from the dark and desolate spires. In time, the Tower passed from memory into legend - and yet it still stands, to this day, unconquered and unexplored.
Until now.
This is the story of a band of adventurers who sought to conquer the legendary Tower, each for their own reason and to fulfill their own purpose. Together, they must overcome the Tower’s many challenging floors and traps using only their strength, their bravery, and their cunning. Perhaps they, among all those in history, will be able to claim the Tower for their own - at least, that is the hope glimmering in their eyes.
Little do they know the true test lies not within the Tower’s many floors or misshapen guardians, but in the secret of its very existence …
Hosted and narrated by:
Wah Yan (s3raphymn)
Started 05/17/14.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License