[Update 9/26: We’re full!]
The magic of this place is old, slow, and deep. Spirits like you abound, but their movements are quiet, their appetites small, their tempers soft. This has been a good place for humanity to grow and stretch, making peace with their surroundings as they carve out their small, unassuming spaces.
In other lands, it is not so. Spirits roar and shriek across the land, spoiling and devouring. The humans remember. They leave offerings on their doorsteps and wards on their doors: Do not be offended, we wish to please, but do not seek to come inside.
There are a few nights when the lines change. The humans dance, and laugh, and imagine the spirits walk among them. On one such night, at the height of a mild summer, the stars shone bright—brighter than usual.
It is said that the spirit of the sky shook out his robe. How else to explain the stars that fell? Little stars, borne on the backs of sapphire beetles which had never been seen in this land or any other. But they are, after all, like any other beetle: they chew their way through bark and wood, and the birds and lizards snap them up greedily. If the birds and lizards seem a little brighter afterward, if the scrawl of the star beetles seems like strange letters and sigils, well, that is no matter.
Surely no harm can come of it.
Hosted and narrated by:
Stars Haven (ATreeFullOfStars)
Started 09/21/19.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License