In the late 22nd century, humanity’s colonial expansion is reaching its sesquicentennial: 150 years of Human Intergalactic Development. Each year a new planet is discovered, a new colony established, and a new apex is reached. Humanity is unstoppable, liberating new hard-working after new tax-paying race to its citizenry and welcoming them to the Human Intergalactic Empire. The Empire continues its ventures into deep space in search of new knowledge and evermore power.
Space is vast and humans aren’t the only ones out here exploring it. The horizon is full of thousands of planets and stars that have yet to be claimed and humanity intends to make a home for itself among all of them. This deck describes the deep-space vanguard starship Champion and her crew, embarking on a new mission of exploration beyond the colonial boundary…
Hosted and narrated by:
Jakers (Jakey)
Started 06/19/17.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License