In a futuristic world overrun with monster, hideous beasts that used to be people deformed by a disease best known as the Monster Disease, only one person had the mind to make the ruined world his. The man, named Morgan, created a city inside of a dome. The city is harsh and ruled by a cruel government who’s only thoughts are on how they can hurt people. But no one can escape. Everyone is genetically engineered by machines known as the B- Cells. But sometimes the creations can be different. Morgan enjoyed differences, but some differences threatened to reveal what Morgan had so carefully hidden. So he created the Outers, which was beyond the protection of the dome. Everyone in the Outers was ordered to protect The Society from monsters. But when an Outer and a young girl from the Society found they had telepathic connection they joined together to protect The Society from an upcoming evil… And escape.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ava Primak (kittyparty2008)
Started 07/07/18.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License