In the not-so-distant future, a certain worldwide online store which not only sells books, but machines for reading them, has topped all of its former inventions with something called the reading machine: a tiny device which promoted immersive reading by manifesting a character (or characters) from any book one might imagine.
In the wrong hands, this device allowed all of the monsters of hundreds–no, thousands–of years of literature to enter our world.
This is their story.
In this story, your character will be a literary monster thrust into the realities of a late-21st century world. What havoc will your character wreak? What experiences will your character have? Given the chance, will your character pursue greater villainy or try to gain redemption, start with a clean slate?
I envision this story world with a bit of Urban Fantasy flair, but will expect all characters to be based on actual stories.
Hosted by:
Courtney Floyd (cannfloyd)
Rotating narration
Started 07/24/15.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License