“I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? ‘No,’ says the man in Washington, ‘it belongs to the poor.’ ‘No,’ says the man in the Vatican, ‘it belongs to God.’ ‘No,’ says the man in Moscow, ‘it belongs to everyone.’ I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Rapture. A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality. Where the great would not be constrained by the small. And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.”
―Andrew Ryan
Rapture is a city where parasites who take what others have earned are left to rot. A city where morals are corrupt on a good day. A city where Adam (a substance made from deep sea slugs that can alter your genetic code into doing strange and amazing things) and violence are everywhere. A city where splicers, the totally not corrupt police force, and rebels are all lining up to kill one and other.
This story is based on Bioshock the world and characters are cannon.
The goal of this story is to destroy the Thinker. The thinker is a computer that runs off of adam and because of this has gained sentience. Unfortunately while it was still just a computer the administration decided to put it in control of all security systems. It murdered the majority of the employees and taken over the section of rapture it is housed in. That district happened to be the R&D district and it now has access to untold scientific advancements. It must be stopped before anything worse happens.
-No word limit but don’t be excessive.
-Some suggested natures, strengths, and weaknesses but creativity is preferred.
-Please add pictures to everything it makes the game more fun.
Hosted and narrated by:
Leo Anderson (Parcevel)
Started 09/17/14.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License