In a massive forest that’s been forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world, elves, fairies, and pixies live together in the enchanted wood, hidden away from humans. Their Queen, being the only monarch in their entire little magical world, was hailed as the most powerful person known to all their kind. People were terrified of her and thought of her as a god. One day, three letters are sent out across the forest kingdom at random, inviting six people to join her for tea an afternoon. Carriages would be sent to pick them up the day of the tea party and it was made clear that no was not an answer.
But when everyone gets there, things get weirder and weirder and slowly the unlucky guests realize that they won’t be staying for just that afternoon.
Hosted and narrated by:
Sarah (TotallyTubular)
Started 08/08/18.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License